Saturday, December 13, 2008

8 week sonogram

I had my first real sonogram today...well, I had the trans-vaginal kind in my ob/gyn office but we only saw the sac & didn't hear anything. Before me & hubby went I drank 2 bottles of water--I read that it helps see things better & since I'm so early I wanted to anything that would help see as easy as possible. My appointment was for 11am so at 10am I went to the bathroom then drank 2 bottles of water (that was after I drank a YooHoo an hour before). I get there at 11am & it is now 12:10pm with 1 person still in front of me & it looked like only 1 person went in. I had to pee sooo bad that I went to the office down the hall to ask what was going on because I'm sitting for over an hour & about to pee in my pants. The ladies must have felt bad for me because they took me right then & there! I went back to the waiting room to get Frank & said out loud "Lets go get food because it looks like it's gonna be another 45 minutes", I didn't want anyone to get mad. When we left the room I told him they were taking us!

So now I'm sitting on the table while she's doing the test. She is pointing out where the baby is but I'm still so early. According to my last period which was October 16th I should be 8w1d today & according to the measurements of the baby I'm 7w3d. She said that's completely normal that everyone is different & people don't know exactly when they have conceived so a couple days off is completely normal. Since she couldn't see much she wants us to come back when I'm 12 weeks so I have an appt for Jan 12th. She had also pointed to that my bladder was VERY VERY full & that next time I don't have to drink that much (or any). We also heard the heartbeat which was SUPER exciting & saw the fluttering of the beat on the sonogram. It's such a crazy feeling to know you have another little heartbeat inside of you. Today was a great day & I really can't wait to go for the next one which will be 12 weeks, I'm sure we will see so much more!

Here is a picture of the sonogram---