Saturday, January 24, 2009

Name change?

I enjoy online blogging, twitter & the like. Some people keep a journal & write their thoughts down, I prefer typing on my blog or using Twitter. I have my sites named JDpregnancy but I'm starting to think I should change the name now since it's still early. It's a good name for now while I'm pregnant but if I continue to blog & such after the baby is born it won't make much sense.

Maybe I'm thinking too much into this? Maybe in a few months I'll be bored & not even do this anymore? But then what if I am? I'm not gonna wanna change the name months down the road because what if I meet lots of friends on the way.
I'd love to hear your opinions, see survey on the left.

UPDATE 1/25/09: I actually changed my mind after reading someone's blog. The person has a blog where she talks about family life & her child mainly because her family would like to read about what's going on in the kido's life. The things I talk about on here about my pregnancy I'd prefer it if NO ONE I knew read this because I don't want to hold back on what I'm feeling. I'm gonna keep this blog as is & just talk about my pregnancy. Thanks Sarcastica for your comment, that makes a lot of sense...I actually didn't read your comment until after I decided, lol!


Anonymous said...

I think that by changing your name, it will show that you have an identity outside this pregnancy - like, for instance people won't lump you into the "mommy blogger" category or "pregnant blogger category" know what I mean? You can still blog about being pregnant and stuff, but it gives you space to blog about other things that come to mind :)