Sunday, March 8, 2009

Baby movements

At the beginning of week 18 I started feeling something & thought it could be the baby. Since this is my 1st baby I'm not really sure what kicking feels like. The pops & tickles I was feeling wasn't often & I only felt them when I would lay down & concentrate on it real hard. It wasn't something I felt everyday either...I would feel it one day then I wouldn't feel it again until a few days later.
Well lately, as I entered my 20th week, I'm really starting to feel things. The feeling I'm having still aren't hard kicks but more like the butterflies or bubbles...kinda like a fart under water, lol! I'm feeling it almost every time I'm laying or sitting down & I don't really have to concentrate on them as hard as I was before. This is very exciting! My baby girl is definitely getting stronger, soon enough I will be feeling those kicks that will wake me in the middle of the night.


Inspired Instinct Design said...

Looking back, now you're feeling her move all the time now, were they movements you thought you felt a few weeks ago?

It is really exciting and I feel so impatient haha I just wish I was further along!

J.D. said...

Oh yes, the feelings I felt a few weeks ago are basically the same feelings I'm having now, it's just now they are stronger & more yes, they were def the baby a few weeks ago :)

Mama Seoul said...

You left a comment on my blog and I wanted to say thanks and talk a bit about natural childbirth. Read Henci Goer's The Thinking Women's Guide to a Better Birth and it will describe what happens when you use pain relief for childbirth.

It is not about being a hero, the drugs interfere with your natural processes and can cause problems like slowing down your labor that have to be corrected with other drugs like Pitocin which makes your contractions a lot more intense and stresses the baby which can send the baby into fetal distress, leading to c-section.

Truly, the people with the worst stories all had epidurals and pitocin.

For some people, it works great, but many others it causes problems. If you take it one contraction at a time, labor is very manageable.

Also, I highly recommend Hypnobabies as labor prep. It worked great for me!

The other thing that helped me was hiring a doula. She was awesome and made a big difference. It is great to have an objective person to tell you that you can do it and keep you and your partner focused and keep you from panicking.

Finally, being pregnant in the summer is great! My first was born in early September. Put on your bikini, show off your belly and float in the pool all summer!

Enjoy your pregnancy!