Monday, April 13, 2009

Pregnancy Pillow

I got this pregnancy pillow from The main reason I picked this one is because of the position the lady is in in the bottom right picture. I really like sleeping on my back but slightly on my side & having the pillow all around me really lets me stay in that position. I also sleep like the 1st picture on left & kinda hug the pillow.
At first I was worried that this pillow would be too bulky in my queen size bed with me, hubby & my 2 dogs--well, really the dog that's 70 lbs because the little one is only 5 lbs & sleeps above our heads. It's actually no problem at all. Then I started thinking that they put a really small lady in the picture & made the pillow look much bigger than it really is. The picture is pretty accurate--I'm 5'8" & now 180 lbs so I'm not small.
I'm really happy I ordered it & I'm not sure I'm gonna wanna give it up when I give birth!