Saturday, February 21, 2009

Baby? Gas? Or in my head?

I am 18 weeks & 1 day today (actually 18w2d since it's 12:30 am) and figure I should be feeling something by now but for some reason I feel like it's in my head. It seems like I only feel it when I lay there thinking about it. Since starting week 16 of pregnancy I started to *really* concentrate on feeling for the baby, especially when I'm laying down in bed at night. I think I concentrate so hard that these feelings are all in my head. Today while laying on the couch on my right side I felt like 3 bubbles, one right after another, in the middle of my stomach below my belly button...kind of like pops. Is this gas or is it the baby??! It seems like when I lay down & focus on my belly I feel I really feeling something?
I guess I'm rushing something that will happen soon enough...and that will be keeping me up at night.

Only 2 more days until my "big" ultrasound!!! Monday morning I will be the 1st one there!!


Erin said...

Sounds like baby! Now that I'm on my second pregnancy, I've been feeling baby kicks all the time, but with my first, I remember feeling those pops right in that area. It's easier to feel the baby when you're lying down and focusing on him/her then when you're up and about.

Jamie said...

I wish I knew! All the books say that towards the beginning you won't feel it UNLESS you're concentrating on it. Hope that helps :)

Inspired Instinct Design said...

I know exactly what you mean on this... the other night I was lying on my back on the sofa and felt like a nervous butterfly sensation but a physical thing rather than a emotional reaction.. its hard to describe but I'm sure it was the baby moving.

Afterwards though I thought maybe I'd imagined it as I'd been concentrating and waiting for something to happen.