Friday, February 13, 2009

Monthly appt- 4th month

Today I am 17 weeks & 1 day and I went for my monthly check up appointment with my ob/gyn. We heard the little one's heartbeat which she said sounds great, then....heard a bang. She grinned & said that was a kick! You would think after hearing a baby's heartbeat & kicking everyday you would get used to it....nope, every time my doctor has a big grin on her face, that makes me feel good knowing she likes her job. I wish I could feel my baby! I lay there sometimes & just try to concentrate soooo hard to see if I can feel something, but nothing yet.
I gained another 8 pounds this week, eek! I really gotta take it easy...since I'm pregnant I've gained 20 lbs already....I'm only 4 months pregnant!
I also asked her what the results were from the first trimester screening when they took blood & smeared it on the paper to test for Downs Syndrome...she said it came back negative--thank you god!! I also asked her if getting highlights in my hair was ok, thank goodness she said yes because my roots are bad!! It was a great monthly check up & probably the 1st time I left not feeling like something was strange, like she was holding something from, I'm so paranoid!


Crysi said...

I remember listening to Adia's heartbeat. I swear, it was more kicks than beats. She was a total mover and it hasn't changed.

The twins aren't much better. Baby B usually won't hold still long enough to get a good heartbeat on the ultrasound. Baby A doesn't have a choice. She's a little squished already.

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard the heart beat yet, I can't wait! I know how you feel about wanting to feel the baby. I would feel so much better when I can feel it moving so I feel like I'm more involved! I'm still a couple months behind you, though, so I'm really jumping the gun!

We are all paranoid :)

<3 pregnant jamie