Monday, February 23, 2009

BIG ultrasound results....

Today was the day I've been waiting for for weeks, the big ultrasound! As the days got closer I get more & more excited but, as soon as I entered the waiting room I got sooo nervous. Unfortunately I'm "the glass half empty" kind of person when it comes to things that could hurt me...I guess it's me subconsciously preparing myself for the worst. As we're waiting for 50 minutes I got more & more nervous (why do they make appointments at these places?!). Finally we get called in.
What a difference a few weeks make, the side profile of the baby was crazy! For some reason the lady doesn't give us great pictures or she doesn't get great pictures...I know I saw some crazy stuff on that screen.

She took lots & lots of measurements and said everything looked good. For some reason the baby's head didn't want to move so she could get good shots & measurements there..I had to lay on my side, pee, drink orange juice (even tho I drank some right before I walked in). Figures, my baby is being difficult already! She did get a picture & said she thinks she sees something abnormal around the head that's very common that she wanted to call the doctor for a look. For those 30 seconds my heart stopped, I just don't want to hear anything is wrong, even if it's 1 in a billion chance. The doctor came in & of course the baby's head was moving all around and he was able to get what they needed. He took a look & said everything was fine, he didn't see anything wrong. That is soooo what I wanted to hear, I guess the position of the head made the tech see something that wasn't there. I am soooo happy!! According to all measurements the baby is 100% healthy!! The heartbeat was 143 which was good.

Now the fun stuff!! According the all the Old Wives Tales I did they all pointed to me having a boy....I did a lot of them. I wanted to know so badly if we were gonna have a boy or a girl....I really want to start making my baby some cute things. Here's the results...we are having a....

Baby GIRL!!!!
This picture of course isn't the greatest, seeing it on screen was was very easy to tell it's a girl. Look at those two little boney legs, just like her mom! This was so really makes things feel so differently knowing we are going to have a daughter!


Anonymous said...

Congrats! I'm so thrilled for you guys! :)

Crysi said...

Congrats! We get to have girls together!

I wonder why they make appointments too since we waited over a hour as well. It's ridiculous. Our next ultrasound is first thing in the morning so hopefully we won't have to wait so long with an impatient toddler.

Unknown said...

I a so happy for you! Girls are so much fun.

J.D. said...

I am so excited! Thanks :)

Rae said...

Ha! I was wondering how much stock to put into those Old Wives Tales! Congrats on your baby girl! I hope we find out the same results in about 6 weeks.

Erin said...

Congrats!! That's sooo exciting.