Friday, February 13, 2009

Crazy Dreams

I've noticed I've been having some crazy dreams. At first I thought it was because I had quit smoking & they say when you quit smoking you dream a lot. Now it's been almost 3 months since I had a cigarette & I'm still having weird dreams. I'm gonna start posting a quick summary of my dreams...if I remember them.
One I had the other day was VERY weird. Me & hubby have been together since we're 19/20 & we are now 31/32 (just a little background, not part of dream). My dream was that we "broke up" (I guess we weren't married yet) and I started dating someone else for a very short time which I think was my ex. I ended up getting pregnant with this other man's child but then ended up getting back together with my husband. I didn't know how to tell my husband that I was pregnant with this other guy's baby, if I was gonna tell him, or if I should have an abortion...I just didn't know what to do. Then I think I woke up.
What the heck is that all about?!! That is a TERRIBLE dream. I haven't had sex with anyone else in like 8 or 9 years (we broke up for about a year or so). We both wanted to have this baby & got pregnant very easy. Who knows, thank god it was just a dream.