Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I’m planning on making this my own personal journal to write about my pregnancy (and maybe other personal things). I’m gonna start out with some history…..

October 11, 2008 Frank, my boyfriend of 11 years, and I got married after many years of craziness. When we returned from our honeymoon we started the baby making (couldn’t on the honeymoon because I had my period, blah). A few days before my period was to come I took a First Response test & got a big fat negative…I was so sad but the box said it was on 69% accurate when taken that early. Monday, the day my period was to come I decided to take the 2nd test that was in the box which came back as a very faint positive. I showed Frank & asked if he saw that 2nd faint line & he said yes, I wasn’t sure if I was just seeing that line because I wanted that line to show. I ran down to the pharmacy to get an e.p.t test which had 3 tests in the box, 2 regular & 1 digital. I took 1 of the regular tests & got a faint line again.

When searching online it said to wait a few days & take another test. Wednesday morning I woke up & took the 2nd regular test & that faint line was just a tad bit darker. I was really starting to think I was pregnant but wasn’t really sure so I made a doctor’s appointment for that Friday. Since I was starting to think I could be pregnant I only smoked 3 cigarettes that day and Wednesday night November 19, 2008 I had my last cigarette. Friday morning I woke up & took that last digital pregnancy test

I figured why not so I can go to this appointment feeling a little more confident that I was actually pregnant. The results came back “pregnant”, I guess I should have taken it a few days earlier.

So I went to my doctor’s appointment where she did a trans-vaginal sonogram & saw the sac & confirmed that I was indeed 5 weeks pregnant! She also did a regular gyn check up since I haven’t had one in a very long time & took some blood work. She asked me to make an appointment at the hospital to have an OB sonogram in 3 weeks & in 4 weeks to go back & see her.

I have been very lucky so far and have not had any morning sickness. The only complaint I’m having is I’m always so tired and could sleep all day if I wanted to. I’m also always hungry & want to eat but I think that’s a side effect from quitting smoking.

Today when I called the doctor’s office to make my next appointment the receptionist asked if I could come in to retake a blood test. I started getting VERY worried so when I went in the doctor explained that when I came in the 1st time I was very early in my pregnancy & my hCG levels were very low & she just wanted to make sure they increased properly. Well with my luck she was unable to obtain my blood, she couldn’t find a vein to get any blood & said I’ll have to wait until I have the sonogram. I told her that was not good because I was gonna worry for the next weeks & a half. She said not to worry because my progesterone levels were very high & since we saw the sac that day everything should be good. I would have felt a lot better if she was able to take the blood….I’d rather know that they are good instead of “should” be good. Well, I have my appointment for a sonogram & (hopefully) hear the heartbeat on December 12 at 11am….I hope I can stay not worried until then.